Monday, July 03, 2017

If You Can Dream it, You can Do it! [Must Read]

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“If you can dream it, you can do it.” ~ Walt Disney

What does it mean to dream? The English dictionary will sure have its numerous definitions but, let me tell you what I am referring to here: Dream is not the imaginary events or scenes seen in the mind while sleeping, rather, it is a wish or hope you have in something.

What does this mean? A dream is the raw form of vision. You wish for it, it's still in your mind, not yet on your mind, thus, not yet defined.
Dreaming is just like conception. I believe you know conception may not result to baby formation and it may also result to baby formation. That's the simple definition of dreams. A dream might fail along the way if not converted into a vision.

So, if you can dream it, you can do it.
This is only true if you also believe you can do it.
So, wishing is not only enough but believing in what you wish or hope for is the key seeing them being achieved.

Someone said, 'if wishes were horses, even beggars will ride'.
There is virtually no one without dreams but we have less people who believe they can achieve their dreams.
Be sure you don’t get caught in the trap of chasing a dream you don’t believe in. Don't be forced to do what you don't believe in.

Walt Disney talked about dreams a lot but he also spoke on putting belief behind them. Once you have a dream that gets you excited and you amp up your belief that you can achieve it, it’s only a matter of time before that dream becomes a reality.

The point of this quote is that you wouldn’t have developed the dream if you weren’t capable of its achievement, which should help you believe you can do it.

You have to take your dream to the land where it becomes a vision.

A dream, by definition is a wish but a vision is a clearer version of that dream, the purpose of the dream has been defined and hence, how to get to it will be the next thing.
So, don't end up doing what others are doing because you see them prospering in it; it might be the most dangerous step you will be taking.

Don't be engaged in a dream you don't believe you can achieve, rather, key yourself into what you believe so much in.

Have a great day!

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