Tuesday, August 01, 2017

Welcome to August 2017 [Expect The Best!!!]

Like play, like play as that Kelly Handsome's song said, gradually, bit by bit, little by little, the year 2017 is passing out; it is the eighth month of this year!!!
Every new month is filled with new problems, new challenges, but it takes a new strategy to overcome these challenges. Why? A method you once used may not work again this time around, so you have to devise another method as a backup plan.

Aside having a new plan as a backup, if you don't want the same results as of last month, then you  need to change your plans: Same plans give the same results.

What to focus on this month:

"Your mind is the compass of your destiny; your life will always tilt towards what your mind says. If you think you can do it, no devil can stop you.
Many people have the wrong perspective that they cannot make it in life except they travel out of the country but you should change your perspective that you can make it irrespective of where you are. There is no land that is dry; what we have around us are dry minds." - David Ibiyome

Remember, that what you don't expect, you don't experience... If you want the greatest gift ever in this month, then expect it and you'll experience it!!!
Expect the Best! Put in the best!

I wish you have a blessed August with august visitors of blessings, favour and greater lifting.
Happy New Month
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  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Thank you. Nice nuggets to start the month. Happy New Month

  3. New Month.. New thinking... New Strategies!!! Thanks!


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