Monday, June 26, 2017

See Why You Should Do Your Best [Must Read]

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“Always do your best. What you plant now you will harvest later.” ~ Og Mandino

The thought of always doing your best may sound obvious, but honestly how often do you find yourself slipping into less than your best?

This made me remember my first year in school: I only had the mentality of reading and writing exams, but I discovered that my grades are always not too encouraging (although, not below the ranges of grades I wanted). Later, I realised I can do more and get more, then I did more and I began to get more to my grades. Wow! The power of doing the best.

What we do in the moment, with each day, is what we’ll end up reaping later. It's just nature and life: what you sow is what you reap. You give in the best into what you do, you reap the best fruits.
It’s best to get into the habit of giving it your all each day because it just sets you up for a better and better harvest later.

It’s a hard concept to grasp because each day presents new difficulties, hence, a requirement for us to refresh ourselves and recharge our energy so we can do our best and give our all to everything.
Another reason why you should put your Best in whatever you do is because your best is someone else's little.

The statement, 'I tried my best', doesn't imply you did it well. Trying your best is not enough, doing more than your best is what is required to getting your desires.
So, don't join the masses and claim you're doing your best while you're not doing anything.

This is the word I love so much: "You don't know what you can, how much you can excel in what you do until you have out your whole into it".

What are you waiting for? The time has come, stand up soldier and put in the Best in that thing you do and you're set to make the difference!

You want your business to grow bigger and better than other's, the best is what is required of you! Do what others are not doing or do what they're doing in another way.

Happy New Week!!!
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