Monday, May 22, 2017

Word Puzzles (BONUSES attached to the Winner)

Find the missing words in the following common WISE sayings written in Spanish:
Two Answers qualifies you as winner (But Strive to answer all)

Más vale pájaro en mano que ciento ................

Una palabra para el sabio es ....................

Las acciones hablan más que .....................

La ............. hace crecer el cariño

fill in the gaps

Comment with your ANSWERS on or before next week Monday when we will meet again.

The Winner will be awarded a prize!!!
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  1. 1. ...volando
    2. ...suficiente
    3. ...las/tu palabras
    4. ...ausencia...

  2. Oluwatodimu Okunola won the prize. Congratulations!!!

    Comment to confirm you've received your prize.


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