Saturday, July 22, 2017

Patience Turned Foolishness [See why]

Patience is a virtue everyone must possess. As a matter of fact, the need to be patience in every situation cannot be over emphasized.

What is Patience? 

It is a content to wait, if necessary, without losing one's temper while waiting for a greater glory at the end.

Without patience, we will make some crucial decisions wrongly or rightly at the wrong time.
So, being patient is a key to getting the best in life.

Actions and reactions are the basis of this world; they are thy determinant of what yesterday was, they determine the outcome of today and finally they determine what will happen in the future. All these are determined as a result of the decisions we make which are products of actions and reactions.
So, act right and react right!
Now, there's this saying that: "A patient dog eats the fattest bone." Of course, yes!

But a dog that waits patiently for its own bone will be ready to crush the bone when it comes, else, it will be a foolish dog.

We have to be patient so as to wait for our own timing, our own goodies, our own breakthroughs but while waiting, we need not to just sit down.
A time of waiting is a time of sharpening the teeth our threshing tools; a time to get prepared for what you are waiting for.

The lack of the preparation leads to foolishness. Hence, our patience is turned to foolishness.
Don't be patient and end up being foolish, that's the worst thing to do.
Be patient, but don't be foolish.

Have a great day!!!

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  1. Thank you for this nugget of wisdom

  2. You are always welcome @Todimu...

    Keep reading and gaining

  3. Yea yea. Thanks for this inspiration. This is very interesting especially the aspect of 'A Patience Dog eat the Fattest Bone'. A lot of peeps have misunderstood this but they (those that read this) will all learn from this wonderful script!


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