Tuesday, August 07, 2018

Change Your Word, Change Your World : The Secret to making the most of life


I once read an article about doctors who incorporated “talk therapy” to treat patients suffering with depression. Instead of
medicating the problem, the doctors instructed the patients to
start making positive declarations over their lives, saying such
things as: “I have a bright future. People like to be around me. Good things are in store.”

Some of the patients were depressed because they were facing life-threatening diseases and felt there was no hope.
The doctor asked them, “Has anyone ever survived this disease?” The answers were always yes. So he told them,
“Then I want you to start saying, ‘I will make it. I will be one of the people who beats the odds.’ ”

Those patients obeyed the doctor’s orders, and amazingly, many of them not only came out of their depression, but they
also made full recoveries!

Did you know that what you say about yourself has greater impact on you than anything anybody else says about you?

Many people are overly critical of themselves, saying, “I’m so
clumsy. I can’t do anything right.” “I’m so overweight. I’ll never get back into shape.” “I never get any good breaks.”

They may not realize it, but they are cursing their future. Those
words sink into their minds. Before long, they develop a defeated mentality, low self-esteem and diminished
confidence. Worse yet, those negative mindsets can interfere
with God’s plan for their lives.
One of the best ways to break free from such strongholds is simply by speaking words of victory.

Instead of killing your world with your words, you can produce a profitable and healthy world out  of your mouth. 

Don't forget that your tongue is more powerful than its size,  use it to change your world today. 

Have a great day! 

Joel Osteen's Change your word,  change your world
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