Sunday, July 09, 2017

Two People You Must Never Meet 2 [A Must Read for All]

From the first part of this article, we've been made to understand the fact that we have to know what not to do even when you don't know what to do.
Back to the title of this article: Two people you must never meet.
They are actually people you will eventually meet but the timing must be right.

Timing is crucial when it comes to meeting people: when you meet a right person at the wrong timing, the whole situation becomes wrong, because it was the wrong timing.
Wrong timing will turn a good person to a bad person (not because he/she has any bad intention or bad omen.)

1. Your Marital Partner:

Meeting a marital partner is crucial relatively to the timing.
Someone asked a question: Does meeting the right person (partner) determines the fulfillment of one's destiny? Yes, it does.

Although, we at times do talk more on the person, but not about the timing. Meeting at the wrong timing is what turns your 'husband to be' to your 'ex-boyfriend'.
So, if you're still building yourself (you're not ready), you don't need that.
There's a place of readiness.

Another is understanding the purpose of meeting your partner. So, you see? It is not just a normal thing, it is a purposeful thing. If you don't know the purpose yet, then you have to dig to find out.
Most among the reasons why we fail is because we don't know what we are about getting into.
Go and find out before you are involved in any relationship. Don't let ignorance destroy you and your partner!!!

2. Friends

Well, I know you'll be wondering why this is involved.
Everyone makes friends, in fact, some of us have numerous , uncountable friends.
Let me tell you one thing about friendship. Friendship is not about dormancy, it's about editing. Editing involves remoulding, adding, removing, reshaping and so on.

That's why friendship have greater impacts on our lives: either positive or negative, whichever your friends gave.

Someone said and I quote:
"Every moment spent in a bad company is attracting you to all that is BAD. No one can remain neutral to influences. Once an association is not helpful, then it is harmful".


If the friendship is not editing you positively, then what is the essence of the friendship? It is not needed.
When you don't have what to do with your life, you don't need people of the same type as you, you need those who will inspire you!

You cannot remain neutral to friends' influences (either positive or negative), so, it's better you opt out now if it is not helpful.

Get the right company! If you are in a bad one, you're close to becoming worse. Send them away!
On a endnote, one characteristic feature of meeting is that, it has a purpose. The meeting must be purposeful at the time of meeting.

When it is without purpose, then, it will be disadvantageous. Abuse is inevitable.

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  1. This is more than helpful.... its great to be here

    1. Yeah...Thanks for visiting. Always visit for more

  2. It sure is helpful. Thanks for this

  3. Yea right!
    Timing is crucial! Meeting at a wrong time create havoc and moving with bad friends brings disaster. I've experienced these before, thanks for this article. I gain more insight!
    Remain Loyal to #Courtspirion

  4. Nice @ Solomon.... Thanks for the comment.

    Just keep visiting...


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