A friend came visiting a man a long time ago hoping the man would help him out of his mess. But, unfortunately, this man couldn't help his friend out. You wanna know why? He did not have what his friend needs in possession, so he couldn't give it to him.
I know many of us must have been in this kind of scenario before. It is just a simple theory which is practical; You cannot give to anyone what you don't have in your possession.
The moment you want to give someone else's property out to another person, you attract a fight.
One thing you need to understand about yourself is what you have in your possession. Whatever is not in your possession, you cannot give out.
Take for example, a man who doesn't own a car can't take someone's key and give to another as a present, he'll be insulted, if not even beaten.
There are things which are essential we have in our possession. Take for example, Love: You claim no one loves you or you've got many haters than lovers. Have you checked yourself? Do you even have love in your possession to give out to people around you? Don't forget the law of karma, what you sow is what you reap. You must have sown the wrong seeds.
Another is Peace: Your environment or life cannot be peaceful if your part is not being played. If you don't have peace from within, you cannot experience peace in other fields.
And mostly, to impart knowledge, you must have acquired knowledge from somewhere beforehand. A teacher cannot stand at the whiteboard teaching if he or she knows nothing, the moment it happens, the students will make the class unbearable for him or her.
You cannot pass the knowledge of what you don't know to others. It is impossible.
So, if you don't have love, you can't give love; if you don't have peace, then you can't give it, if you don't have knowledge, then you can't give and lots more.
Whatever you don't possess you can't give to anyone.
Go out and acquire some of these essential virtues and make sure you touch a life today.
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