Friday, June 23, 2017

Why You Can't Achieve Your Dreams [Must Read for All]

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“The secret of getting ahead is getting started.” ~ Mark Twain
If you get started enough times you’ll eventually get ahead. But those that dream of getting ahead and never start never get ahead.

It’s a peculiar secret, as it seems so obvious, but is the downfall for many who want to be successful but don’t actually start anything that could get them there.
Many wants to start a project (could be Academic pursuit, Career pursuit, a business enterprise, etc.) but they are limited because their minds has been limited. When the mind is not working, then, everything keeps seizing.
The secret of getting things done is starting it from your mind, then taking it to tour hands and legs (engaging your body).
It doesn’t matter if what you start is a giant success or not, as long as you keep starting things you’ll eventually get a hit. And if you don’t at least you won’t have any regrets because you put your whole self into trying.
Trying it is worth it!!! Don't be part of those who wants everything settled before they start. Rome is not built in a day.
No matter how rich you are, you cannot build a house in a day.
You've got to start somewhere. In fact, there is nothing wrong with starting somewhere, if out don't start somewhere, where will you start from?

Do not despise the days of little beginnings.

Have a great day!!!
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