Words do damage us in a very real way. They may not
literally break our bones, but they do something even worse: they can break our
hearts and our spirit.
That negative reinforcement doesn’t just cause pain in the
moment. It eventually kills our dreams if we let it.
It wasn’t till one of my teachers told me not to let someone
else’s opinion define me that I realized: I’d been letting words destroy my
spirit and my future.
Stop listening to negative words.
So many of us, when we share our dreams or goals with a
“friend” or family member, they tell us that we can’t do it.
- Sometimes they mean well, and want to protect us.
- Sometimes they’re jealous of our dreams.
- Sometimes they’re afraid we’ll get too successful and they’ll
“lose” us.
Whatever the reason, the effect is the same.
Negative words like these are the primary reason 99% of
people never get the wealth they wish to achieve in life.
They never built that business because they never got the
positive reinforcement they needed to actually believe they could do it.
Without that belief, success is impossible.
Break-Out and Manifest Your GREATNESS.
Contact: +2348100451668
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