This world is unique in its diversification and yet the complexity of the human nature. We may have some few things in common (especially our body features), but we are surely different from each other.
Some people seek for the positive development of their immediate social environment while others' nonchalantly took no step towards developing their social environments, but have instead choose to being beneficiaries of the positive results of some other people's work.
We all have one or two things to be contributed in whichever place or position we find ourselves; everyone has a purpose of existence.
We all want to park our cars under the shade but many of us don't want to go through the stress of planting trees.
Growing trees is the first step to building shades for your exotic cars; thank God for your cars, but you still need a shade.
Why not grow trees and create enough shades for people to benefit from, rather than waiting for someone else's decision to create one.
Imagine if everyone grows a tree each, the shades would have been wide enough to park all cars; so is it when we make it our personal responsibility to develop and contribute positively to the upgrowth of our society.
Don't forget to make it a point of duty to see your society growing.
Together we can make things work better and faster.
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