Tuesday, April 11, 2017

The Negative Mindset

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The mind is the powerful, invisible part of humans that links the spirit to the body (Three Dimension of man's nature). It determines what we become and yet it cannot be seen, even it's size cannot be measured. What a mystery!!!

The mysterious thing about it is that it is the access to our lives; its the site of processing (the central processing unit of humans). Thus, it determines the outcome of every information received.

Your life results as a function of the effectiveness of your mind: no wonder, we are a product of our thoughts.

Living a positive life (engaging in positive thoughts) is what entails seeing and experiencing positive things all the time, but what happens when the mind is filled with negative thoughts? Negative things result, it's as simple as that.
I remember a day I was on my way to work a long time ago, I had a lift by a friend (he rode a bike) and as we were on our way, this thought came and in the next few minutes, it happened!!! We had an accident!!!
What I was thinking eventually happened. Think it and see it!!!

The quality of your thought determines the quality of your life, the nature of your thought determines the nature of life you live!!!
The thoughts you engage in eventually becomes what you believe, then you act on them (they become actions) and your actions determine the kind of life you live.

Think like a poor man and you'll live just like one, think like a successful person and you'll see the results; it's like seeds sown, a farmer doesn't sow soybeans and reap cowpea at the harvest time, even if they're alike.

Finally, a negative mind won't make you live a positive life, the mind has to be cautioned, guarded not to dwell in negativity. You can’t live a positive life with a negative mind.

Your life is a function of your mind

Have a great day!!!

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