Friday, September 29, 2017

Greatness is in you

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See the challenges in your life as fuel to fire you up.  You are bigger than any of the problems that you face.  Look around, and you will find opportunities silently waiting for you to recognize them. 

Become unstoppable and determined to reach your goals.

Do not let anyone convince you that you can not achieve your dream.  They do not know you like that!  They have no idea of who you really are.  Do not waste time trying to convince them. 

Keep working your plan and handle your business. Actions speak louder than words. have GREATNESS within you!

Good Day!!!

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Thursday, September 28, 2017

Stay Enthusiastic!!!

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“Success is going from failure to failure with no loss of enthusiasm.” ~ Winston Churchill

We are all conversant with the fact that behind every great success must have been series of failures.

Failure is not an option, as a matter of fact everyone experiences that, but our definition of failure and our reactions when we fail matters.

Staying enthusiastic (i.e. being motivated to continue, not looking back) when you fail is one of the uneasy thing to do on earth: I mean, every failure brings some parts of us down.

It may be the hardest part of success because it’s difficult to remain enthusiastic when everything around you is crashing down.

If you have a string of failures what do you think your likelihood is to be enthusiastic about the new things you’re starting? Not very high.

But if you can somehow remain enthusiastic, even if it seems silly or illogical to be enthusiastic, you’ll eventually reach success because it is that positive eager attitude that will make it so you win one time.

When you fail, pick up the lessons learnt from it and start all over again. It may not be the easiest thing to do but staying enthusiastic in failure, putting energy in what you have left is the way out of the failure.

Remember, you have the power to make the choice to succeed or fail.

The choice is yours, but I advise you choose SUCCESS.

Have a great Thursday!!!


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Monday, September 18, 2017

Resolve to succeed

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*Resolve to Succeed*

“Your own resolution to succeed is more important than any other.” ~ Abraham Lincoln

We are all creatures of choice; we are born on a neutral ground (not minding the particular purpose you are created for). We are to choose whether to succeed or fail.
Before you failed, you must have chosen to fail and before you succeed, you must have chosen to succeed.
And take note of this: No one can choose for you whether to succeed or fail, they can help you make the choice though.

It doesn’t matter if others believe you can succeed, or that you will succeed. No one can give you the resolution to succeed except yourself.

If you don't resolve this in your mind, you will be beaten and battered by the strokes of indecision which will result in failure.

It’s important to stoke those fires regularly, even daily so that you don’t get into the mentality that you can’t succeed or that failure is an option. Failure is never an option.

Remember that we measure success personally, so that your idea of what it means to succeed is different from other people’s. Follow your own path to your own vision of success and stay on the course.

Do not think failure or else it becomes your neighbor next-door.

And remember, not making a choice to succeed automatically makes the failure choice for you.

You can't afford to fail again if you've failed before and you can't afford to fail in that area even if it is your first time there (some people have gone through the same issue with no failure records, so why thinking failure is an option).

Get up! Make the choice to succeed and work towards it!!!

Good evening


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