Monday, May 29, 2017
Over 2m women still live with fistula, says UNFPA [Do You Even Know What Fistula is? MUST READ For All Ladies]
Democracy: How has it imparted us as Nigerians? [Comment with your views]
Thursday, May 25, 2017
Bananas : Health Benefits & Nutritional Information [MUST READ]
Amazing Facts About Achieving Your Dream(s) [CLICK HERE to Check]
What will it cost you if you do not follow your dreams?
By doing the soul-searching to answer this question, you will discover all of the wonderful things that you deserve in life that you will miss out on.
Get three pieces of paper.
On one page, make a list of what it will cost you.
On another page, make a list of the fears that are holding you back right now.
On the last page, make a list of what actions you need to take to overcome each fear and the actions to take to create your dreams.
Getting clarity provides the increased awareness necessary to do something about it. A dream / goal must be well defined to avoid a futile pursuit.
Clarity is the first step to achieving that dream you have.
Imagine the wide-screen of a car that is blurred, no matter how large the speed limit of the car is, a car with less speed limit will move faster than it and there is a guarantee that it will get to its destination first before the former car, because it has a clear wide-screen.
Without clarity, your dream is never close to achievement.
You Deserve The Best!
Pursue that dream!
You can listen to STEAD on Pearl radio.
Monday, May 22, 2017
Word Puzzles (BONUSES attached to the Winner)
Two Answers qualifies you as winner (But Strive to answer all)
Más vale pájaro en mano que ciento ................
Una palabra para el sabio es ....................
Las acciones hablan más que .....................
Saturday, May 20, 2017
Lessons From The Ants (3) [MUST READ For Everyone]

See: Lessons From The Ants (1) and (2) if you've not been following the series.
They inhale more often than they exhale."
Wednesday, May 17, 2017
Rise Above The Pain(s)! By Emmanuel Adewale
Monday, May 15, 2017
Vitamin D: Health Benefits and Facts [MUST READ For Everyone]
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Capsuled Fish Oil |
Lessons From The Ants (2) [MUST READ For Everyone]
Saturday, May 13, 2017
7 Powerful Listening Rules [Must Read For Everyone]
Perceptive listening doesn't require a degree, but it does require learning.
Thursday, May 11, 2017
Lessons From The Ants (1) [MUST READ For Everyone]
Wednesday, May 10, 2017
Added Sugars [What You Need To Know]

Friday, May 05, 2017
What Am I Living For? [MUST READ: Getting Things Straightforward]
They’ve lost touch with their dreams. Ask them what they want, and they’ll reply, “I don’t know!”
Tuesday, May 02, 2017
William Butler Yeats on Striking the Iron [Check It Out]
“Do not wait to strike till the iron is hot; but make it hot by striking.” ~ William Butler Yeats
It’s easy to get into the mentality that you have to wait for the perfect opportunity to present itself before you’ll start to work hard.
But the trick is to work hard so that the perfect opportunity can present itself. It’s amazing what opens up when you start giving it your all every day.
You’ll find that people, situations, and events will happen in your life that are the result of the work you’ve done, and you’ll realize that unless you did the work they would not have appeared at just the right time for you.
You don't have to sit and wait for opportunities to knock on your door, you have to work and when the chances appear, you grab them.
A pregnant woman will make sure she get everything the baby needs ready even before she give birth to the baby.
You must work it out!!!
How Much Sugar Is In Your Food And Drink ? [Don't Miss This Article]
Sugar is one of these nutrients, and the cells in our body would die without it.
Consuming too much sugar, however, raises the risk of several problems, including poor dental health, obesity, and type 2 diabetes .